“"Children are highly motivated in their learning and display deep levels of engagement through independent and supported play."”
We are so proud to announce that after an inspection at the start of October, Red Bus Flax Bourton have gained an Outstanding rating from Ofsted in every category!
The inspector took a learning walk, asking about our curriculum and what we want children to learn. They observed the quality of education being provided, assessed the impact that this has on children's learning, and carried out a joint observation on a group activity.
The inspector spoke with the leadership team, the staff, our parents and our children to get feedback!
We would like to celebrate our amazing, passionate, knowledgable Flax Bourton team, they are the ones who make us Outstanding!
We would also like to thank the number of families who wrote in words of support or spoke to the inspector on the day, reading your kind words truly confirmed that feeling of working in partnership.
We decided to celebrate our grading in a way that truly represents Flax Bourton - child led, creative, outdoorsy and filled with nature!