
w/c 18th November 2024
This Week at Coombe Dingle


This week in the Nursery room, we have taken a trip down to our lower garden where we joined in with a fun group activity with some children from Kindergarten and Pre-School. We listened to a story and then helped fill up the bird feeders we have around the garden, we also looked at the different types of birds we might see in England.

We’ve had lots of fun exploring a maths activity this week. There were lots of different shapes and numbers, our adults did some counting out loud and some of us joined in with counting up to 10!

The Duplo bricks have been out this week and lots of building work has been happening to make lots of tall towers. They also make great musical instruments if you bash them together loud enough!

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This week in Kindergarten, during our time together we played an ABC game. We pointed to the pictures and shouted out what objects we could see and our adult said back what letter it began with. We really enjoyed playing the game together.

We all sang nursery rhymes together but we all had a musical instrument to play along with it. We took it in turns to use the different instruments to make different rhythms and sounds.

When the snow was falling outside, we felt inspired to make our very own snowy pictures. We used PVA sticks to flick and swish paint onto the paper, just like how the snow was falling outside.

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This week in Pre-School, we read our core book ‘The Stick Man’ and used the cuddly stick man character and our story pebbles to re-tell the story and to show our friends our favourite parts of the story.

We made our own puzzles by using lolly sticks. We put the sticks together in a row with some selotape stuck to the back of them and drew a picture. Afterwards, we took the sellotape off, muddled the lolly sticks up and had a go at putting our picture back together again!

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