w/c 1st July 2024
This Week at Coombe Dingle


This week Nursery we joined in with a cool ice activity! This ice had frozen sea animals trapped inside. We used the wooden hammers to rescue the animals, saying words like "cold", "turtle" and "octopus"! Some of us were not so keen on the cold ice, but as it melted we enjoyed slashing about in the water too!

We also explored an oral health activity, where we brushed our model teeth and looked at books all about visiting the dentist! We examined the model teeth and the toothpaste, and showed the adults our lovely big smiles!

In the art studio we enjoyed painting on the mirror! We used this as an opportunity to explore our emotions and our identities. We noticed ourselves in the mirror, pointing and laughing! We then picked up our brushes and made marks all over the mirrors!

  • B Mirror 1
  • B Mirror 2 Crop
  • B Mirror 3
  • B Oral Health 3
  • B Oral Health 2
  • B Oral Health 1
  • B Ice 3
  • B Ice 2
  • B Ice 1


This week in Kindergarten we have been exploring the library! This week we all felt like exploring books independently, browsing the different boxes to pick out our favourites. We then sat quietly and looked at each page carefully!

In the art studio we've been experimenting with colour! We looked at each of the primary colours, and used our circle shapes to mix them together. We noticed the colours would blend together and create brand new colours - wow!

We've also spent lots of time in the mud kitchen! We used our amazing imaginations to create lots of exciting recipes, using the real life resources such as the pots and pans!

  • CD KG 1
  • CD KG 2
  • CD KG 3
  • CD KG 4
  • CD KG 5
  • CD KG 6
  • CD KG 7
  • CD KG 8
  • CD KG 9


This week in Pre-School we practiced our writing skills! We used tracing paper, sliding our letter cards underneath so that it showed through. Some of us recognised the letters that are in our name, we then used pencils to trace over them!

We've also been exploring magnets this week! We talked about how magnets work, they can either attract or repel metal. We then explored moving a pipe cleaner ball along a trail - this involved lots of focus and concentration but we managed it!

We've also been checking on our vegetable patch in the top garden. We noticed our pea pods had grown from the flowers, and talked about whether they were ready to pick. We decided they were! Once they were given a quick rinse, we all had a try at opening the pods and trying the sweet little peas - yum!

  • CD PS 1
  • CD PS 5
  • CD PS 6
  • CD PS 4
  • CD PS 3
  • CD PS 2
  • CD PS 7
  • CD PS 8
  • CD PS 9