w/c 23rd September 2024
This Week at Coombe Dingle


This week, the rain has not stopped us! We got ready to go and play in the garden and all of the different opportunities to explore, even with the weather change!

We also have been looking at the dentist activity! We all took turns with brushing the teeth and making sure that they all were very nice and clean!

We have also been exploring the sensory tray! We have looked at the different animals and used our new tools to sieve and measure our sensory items!

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This week in Kindergarten we've been further developing our understanding of our Core Book, 'Aliens Love Underpants'! In the art studio we painted some paper pants, mixing together colours and using the paintbrushes to very carefully make marks!

Out in the top garden we've been using our amazing imaginations to create delicious recipes in the Mud Kitchen! We explored the real life resources such as pots, pans and cake trays - explaining to the adults what we were whipping up!

We've also been making some noise with our musical instruments! We explored the tambourines, drums and maracas, shaking them to see what sounds we could make. We also experimented with making louder and softer noises, and tapping out different rhythms! 

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This week in Pre-School we practiced lacing shoes! Olaide had cut out a piece of cardboard and used the holepunch to create holes in the middle. We explored threading the laces through the holes, as well as talking about why we tie our shoes up - we realised if we leave our shoe laces out, someone could step on them and fall over!

We've noticed the weather this week has been so rainy, and lots of puddles have appeared. So we made our own muddy puddles inside! We added lots of water to paint and then used pipettes to squeeze our paint into a big water tray. We enjoyed squeezing the paint and said “squeeeeezeee”.

We've also talked about colours of autumn, and helped decorate an  autumn tree. We threaded coloured pasta, Cheerios and leaves onto the tree branches. We played with the hedgehog and owl conkers and talked about what they like to eat and learnt how some animals are nocturnal!

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