This week Nursery we enjoyed playing in a gloopy tuff tray! The texture was very sticky and gooey, but some of us got stuck in squeezing it with our hands. Some of us were a bit unsure of the texture, so explored in other ways such as scooping it up with spoons and bowls!
We also explored filling and emptying with a rice activity! We used all the different sized cups and spoons, scooping up the rice and emptying back down in the tray. We concentrated on this activity for a long period of time!
In the art studio we explored flower painting! We held them by the stem and used petals to make patterns all over our paper, pushing the petals around with our fingers. What beautiful artwork!
This week Kindergarten have enjoyed painting! They used the cutters to make different shapes and exploring different colour paints to make new colours.
The children have also been busy baking! They made muffins, talking about the different ingredients they might need to make them. The children were able to weigh out all the ingredients and mix them together, making a yummy snack.
Kindergarten also started their new core book, EverydaySuper Heroes. This has inspired lots of conversations about our families, what makes them special and that everyone is different. We then made our own representation of our families through different media!
This week Pre-School has been all about creativity, learning and exploring cause and effect! The children explored what would happen when adding milk to skittles in a large tray and watched when the colour spread out and spiralled creating a rainbow. Some of the words the children used to describe what they saw - “it’s a rainbow!” “I can see lots of colours!”
To see cause and effect, children explored what new textures they could make in the art studio. They used pippettes to carefully add vinegar to bicarbonate of soda to create a chemical reaction, super fizzy! The children used fine motor skills to squeeze the pippettes.
Finally outside in the front garden we explored the Solar System, learning about the planets and discovering if they are big or small and what colours they are! This was a great introduction to new vocabulary and learning more about the world around us.