
w/c 3rd February 2025
This Week at Coombe Dingle


We have been making our own orange juice this week! We had some support from our adults to squeeze the juice out of the orange into the jug. We all took it in turns and then had a taste from our cups. It was delicious! 

We played with rice in our tuff tray. We had fun sprinkling the rice around and filling up the containers. We moved the rice around with our hands and shook the toys to listen to the noise. We had lots of fun looking through the blocks to see with different colours.

We have been looking at shapes! An adult placed these in front of the window where the sun was coming through. It then showed us the different colours on the floor. We really liked adding lots of different coloured blocks on top of each other to keep adding the different colours to the floor.

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The children were learning all about planting seeds this week. We talked about how plants grow and how we can help them to grow. We planted basil this week and we are excited to try some once its ready! 

We have been making our valentine’s cards by using cardboard tubes shaped as hearts, we printed lots of hearts onto the card and have made them for our families.

It’s been Children’s Mental Health Awareness this week so we thought it would be a great opportunity to talk about our feelings. We began by reading a story and looking at the feeling teddies and using the mirrors to copy their emotions. 

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This week we read ‘Colour Monster’ for Children’s Mental Health Awareness week, we talked about our emotions and what activities we could do to help us if we were feeling sad or angry, like taking some deep breaths, going for a walk or reading a book. We then went onto decorate some hearts using glitter glue and tissue paper. 

We’ve also been taking the time to look in the mirrors to make different faces based on our emotions. We then went on to make our own faces using paint and different materials to represent our eyes, nose and hair. 

We’ve been looking at vegetables this week, we named all the vegetables we had in front of us and then had a go at cutting them open. We talked about the different textures we could feel and smell and then used some of them to print with to create different textures and patterns on the paper. 


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