CD B 3

w/c 8th July 2024
This Week at Coombe Dingle


This week in Nursery we have been exploring a bubble wrap! The adults helped us put on aprons, and we got stuck straight into painting. We used the paint pumps, independently choosing which colours we wanted and squeezing them onto the surface. We also discovered we could pop the bubbles, which we found very exciting!

We've also had a great time exploring our new sensory mats! Some of us used our hands to feel the different textures, but we were also encouraged to stand and walk over them! These were a great physical challenge, but also allowed the adults to use lots of words to describe what we were experiencing!

We've also spent time this week focusing on emotions, and practicing different facial expressions! We were inspired by our emotion puppets, we did a great job of copying the emotions like shocked, angry, and happy! 

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This week in Kindergarten we celebrated England's win by creating a big St George's Flag! What else could we use but footballs - dipping them into the paint and rolling them along the paper to create patterns! 

We also went to the front garden with the parachute. We enjoyed playing parachute games, singing songs and dancing along to our songs!

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This week in Pre-School we have been exploring our emotions! Some of us are starting school soon, which can bring up lots of different feelings. We used our 'Inside Out' dolls, which represent different emotions. We went around the group and shared what things can make us feel happy, sad or angry!

In the art studio we spent time talking about vehicles! At first we named all the types of vehicle we could remember - car, plane, bus, truck...we then shared if we had ever been on them! We then used the stencils to create amazing artwork inspired by them.

We've also been getting creating with finger painting! We used the rainbow as inspiration, pressing our fingertips into the different coloured paints to create dotty patterns all across our paper. We then experimented with patterns, counting up how many of each colour we used!

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