w/c 10th June 2024
This Week at Downend


This week in Nursery we have been enjoying the outdoor space where we washed babies with soapy bubbles and used a cloth to clean the babies by giving them a lovely bath!

Outside in the garden we found a snail on a leaf which
we all showed interest in,  holding the snail and remembering to use our gentle hands. We also really liked being lift up by an adult and looking at the wind chimes with Helen and Chloe. We giggled when we used our hands to move the chimes around and listening to the sounds that they made!

Nursery have also made some Arts and craft pizza's where
they have been adding different toppings of their choice such as Pepperoni, Cheese, Ham etc. they used the glue stick and spread it across the pizza base. We helped our friends with theirs as well!

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This week in Kindergarten we tried something new! We used fruit and  vegetables to do some printing. What pattern do they leave on the paper?

Back inside we have set up our very own garden to explore as an activity. We used lots of different resources for this!

We had the opportunity to explore the sensory room this week. The interactive tv was a big hit. The children enjoyed the experience of mark making on it.

Back in the garden, one of our adults found a beautiful butterfly! This gave the children a chance to talk about nature and how it's important to be kind and look after it.

To end the week we have really enjoyed playing with water, the blue water was really popular! Kindergarten enjoyed playing with a box, a box is so much fun and is a good opportunity to be imaginative. A box
could be a house, a car, a train, a boat! It's been a busy week!

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This week in Pre-School we explored a matching game! We played animal snap, looking carefully to see which animals matched up. We showed great memory skills, recalling where each animal was and matching them all up at the end!

We've also taken part in a threading activity this week! We made necklaces and bracelets, choosing which colours we wanted to use. This is a great way to practice our coordination and fine motor skills!

In the sensory room we explored the interactive whiteboard, particularly enjoying learning about our bodies! We recited some of the names of body parts and even learned some new ones too.

We've also been celebrating Pride month here in Pre-School! We looked at the Pride flag, and learned how each colour in the rainbow represents something. We then made our own flags too!

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