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w/c 15th July 2024
This Week at Downend


This week in Nursery we have been exploring air drying clay! First we made heart shapes using moulds, and then Chloe supported us to use flowers and leaves to create a print on the surface. Together we pressed down really hard with our rolling pins, and then carefully peeled off the natural resources to leave a lovely pattern!

In the art studio we got stuck into a beach themed tuff tray, with lots of sea creatures to explore! Outside in the garden we have been playing with the hula hoops, finding it very funny when the adults joined in!

Some of us went down to the lower gardens to meet a special visitor, Alaska's dog Evie! We were very gentle and calm, stroking her carefully so that we didn't scare her. Whilst we were outside we also explored the new water wall too!

Lastly we have been exploring the toy bugs and wriggly worms in the soil! We found them all and then enjoyed re-hiding them, repeating the process!

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This week in Kindergarten Alaska brought her dog in to visit us! We discussed how to be kind and not to get too close to Evie so that she didn’t feel overwhelmed. We were able to take it in turns to feel how soft her fur was. Alaska asked the children if they wanted to give Evie some treats. They did! They held the treats flat in their hands to feed Evie. Evie was a little thirsty after her treats. The children found some containers or cups to put water in for Evie to drink! Evie was more than happy to have lots of water to drink!

In the garden we have enjoyed playing with cardboard box. A box can be anything you want it to be, a spaceship, boat ,car or an aeroplane! Back inside the children have enjoyed some quiet time by looking at books.

Some of the children in Kindergarten have enjoyed doing some mark making, they were then able to tell us what they had drawn!

Whilst inside the children have enjoyed playing with the green sand! This was so much fun, we used spades and buckets in the sand.

Construction has been so much fun, for this we used magnetic blocks to build our structures with. Whilst playing with them we learned how magnets work! 

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This week in Pre-School we helped release our butterflies! We have had them growing for about a week, watching them as they built their cocoons and then finally transformed into butterflies earlier this week. We made sure to be very gentle with them, some of them even landed on our hands and arms which was very special!

We also took part in a group puzzle activity! This gave us a chance to show off our cooperation and communication skills, working together to match up every piece across the table!

As it's been ever so warm this week we indulged in a 'Red Bus Spa', dipping out feet into the warm bubbly water. It was lovely and cooling - and very relaxing too!

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