
w/c 1st July 2024
This Week at Downend


Nursery this week have been learning about colours! They have been making their
own Rainbow pictures by using all sorts of bright colours which you will find when
seeing a rainbow. The children joined in while Chelsea was singing us the rainbow
song which they enjoyed. The children have also been mixing paint to create
different colours which they wanted to add to their rainbow picture!

We have also been creating lots of dinosaur footprints by using paint and placing the
dinosaur feet into the colour brown paint. We used different size dinosaurs small
medium and large. The children independently picked the dinosaur that they wanted
to use and started stomping the dinosaur onto the paper ' STOMP STOMP!

Outside on our roof top garden we have been making bubbles in the water! The
children have been enjoying using their hands to blow the soapy bubbles off and
watching the adults as well.

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What a busy week it has been in Kindergarten! We
started the week off by making pasta bracelets!
We used coloured pasta and pipe cleaners. This
really helped with our hand eye coordination!

We have been learning our numbers too. To help us
recognise numbers, we did a number matching
puzzle! This helped us to count in numerical

Whilst indoors we have had our creative
area set up for pizza making! We used paper
plates for the base and a variety of different
materials for the toppings! We were so creative!

Dressing up has been popular this week! Out in
the garden we had white water which looked a bit
like milk! We pretended it was a milk for tea and
coffee! Literacy has been popular too! The
children have enjoyed some quiet time , looking at
the books independently! Kindergarten have also
enjoyed exploring the sensory room!

  • K4
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This week in Pre-School we took part in a lovely activity relating to our Core Book, the Colour Monster! We were each given a jar and lots of different coloured pom poms. We have a great understanding of the book now, so we know that in the book different colours represent different feelings. We took turns adding our pom poms to our jar, sharing with the group why we had chosen that colour!

We had such fun at our Graduation ceremony at the weekend that we continued the fun back in Pre-School! We have been talking lots about how we feel during this time - some of us are excited for the new adventure, some of us said we will miss our friends and adults in Pre-School!

We've been exploring textures by using cooked spaghetti to paint with! We noticed that is was similar to using a paintbrush, but also different.

We also got stuck into a number finding tray this week! We used paintbrushes to gently sweep away the coloured rice, and used magnifying glasses to peek through to spot all the numbers!

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