
w/c 20th January 2025
This Week at Downend


In Nursery this week we have been super busy! We spent lots of time in Water World, where we sang the song 'Tiny Turtle' with Megan and Bethany. We had lots of fun splashing about and clapping our hands together to make the bubbles POP!

We also did some clay modelling with lollipop sticks and pipe cleaners! We confidently picked up the small sticks and pushed them into the clay, developing our hand and finger dexterity which will eventually develop into early handwriting skills!

We also enjoyed a bug themed tuff tray, where we were encouraged to use magnifying glasses to spot where all the insects where hiding. We were so proud when we found one, holding it up high to show the adults! 

Outside in the garden we have been looking in the mirrors and making funny faces with the adults. We also made some yummy mud pies in the role play kitchen, using bark and mud!

Lastly in the Art Studio we joined in with lots of mark making activities using rollers, paintbrushes and stamps. We explored all the different tools and discovered what sort of marks we could create!

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This week in Kindergarten we have been getting active in the garden! We wrapped up warm to venture out into Pre-School garden. We had a go at hula-hooping - this is quite a tricky skill to learn, but we kept going and practice makes perfect! 

We have also been exploring mark making using natural resources. We used leaves, twigs and ferns as our brushes, dipping them in paint and moving them over our paper plates!

We've also been excited to take lots of trips this week, taking as any of our friends with us as possible! We walked to the park, where we particularly loved zooming down the slide and swinging up high on the swings!

Back inside we have loved being creative with painting, exploring different marks, shapes and patterns. We also took part in some role play in the yurt, using our real life resources such as laptops and keyboards. We had imaginary conversations on the phones and even used them to 'take photos' of the adults - cheese!

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This week in Pre-School we took part in a feelings activity! We sat in a circle and looked at the textured mats - one was called 'warm fuzzy' and the other 'cold prickles'. We talked about how happiness makes you feel warm and fuzzy, and sadness would be cold and prickly! We then looked through different statements and placed them onto the right mat. 

Out in the garden we did some great teamwork with the parachute! We played lots of games, we particularly enjoyed throwing the plastic balls into the parachute before working as a team to shake them all off again. 

Back inside we have been exploring colours, using pipettes to drip onto cotton wool. We used our amazing imaginations, when an adult asked what we were doing we said "we're colouring the icebergs"!

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