DE KG 10 (1)

w/c 23rd September 2024
This Week at Downend


Nursery this week have been having loads of fun with the parachute! With some help from Chelsea and Ashleigh, we lifted the parachute up in the air and as it floated down we would run underneath giggling. Our play was developed as we added the small balls in, throwing them and watching them fall off - we ran to catch them all!

We've also been making handprints with Bethany! For some of us this is a new experience, sticking our hands into the cold wet paint. We pressed our palms into the paper and lifted it up to find our handprint - wow! Some of us experimented with repeating the pattern all across the paper. 

Finally we have also been caring for our toy babies! We have been role playing feeding them and dressing them, and rocking them to sleep. This helps us develop empathy and care for others, as well as starting to understand different emotions! 

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Kinderagarten have had a lovely week filled with lots of fun activities! Some children started their week off with cutting their very own fruit for snack using child friendly knives, whereas some enjoyed a small circle time listening to "When the Tiger Came to Tea".

Lots of them did great digging and pouring in the sandpit after! We also have a new big digger which the children can sit on and pick up sand.

They also made their very own play-dough creation using their unique imaginations. The children then ended their week with colourful hair as they indulged in messy play outdoors where they did beautiful painting!!

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This week in Pre-School we have been developing our letter recognition! We were challenged to find the letter tiles that were hidden amongst the dry pasta - but not just any letters, the ones that matched the word we had! This was a great challenge and we were so proud of ourselves when we completed the word. 

Autumn is truly here and despite the rainy weather we have still been out in the garden lots for outdoor play and exploration! We have loved the large amounts of fallen leaves, picking them up to examine the various patterns, colours and shapes of each one. We also enjoyed gathering them up in big handfuls and throwing them up into the air!

Back inside we have been exploring early mathematics skills with our number pages! The adults encouraged us to count out the items to match our number - we did a great job of counting all the way to ten!

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