
w/c 8th July 2024
This Week at Downend


This week in Nursery we have been exploring green shaving foam and the slippery fish hidden inside! We used our hands to get stuck in and find them all, excitedly showing the adults our 'catch'. We then all joined in singing "1,2,3,4,5, once I caught a fish alive"!

We have also been exploring sensory bags! We explored the different textures - chia seeds, shaving foam, pom poms and sequins, and lots more!

We have also been making yummy role play ice-cream with our cloud dough, made up in different "flavours" - blue bubblegum, red strawberry, and white vanilla! We put the flavours into our ice cream cones and added a flake and sprinkles as a topping - we pretended to lick our ice cream alongside Chelsea, yum yum!

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This week in Kindergarten we have enjoyed
making bridges with different materials. We
worked together to do this! They used a tubes and
foam bricks for this. Following on from bridges we
have made an obstacle course in the garden
where we were able to practice our balancing!

Dinosaur play was very popular. The children
enjoyed stomping the dinosaurs through the
purple water! Stomp stomp! Together we had lots
of fun with the parachute! The parachute is so

Inside pasta play has been so much
fun! It made a crunchy sound when the children
broke up the pasta! The children were very busy
making our grown ups some yummy dinner !
Yummy! Painting has been popular too, we used
lots of colours for this with a paint brush. Our
pictures were very pretty! Hairdressing has been
a hit this week! The children were pretending to
put the dolls hair in ponytails whilst the grown
ups did ours :-)

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This week in Pre-School we have been fascinated by our new caterpillars! We've learned about the life cycle, and how they will eventually turn into butterflies. At the moment they are building their cocoons which is fascinating to see!

We also got stuck into a tray inspired by Goldilocks and the Three Bears! We explored the different sizes of cereal, finding one that was 'just right', and moved the toy bears around the tray!

In the Art Studio we have been getting creative with wooden sticks! We experimented with mixing primary colours together, watching them blend and mix. We also explored the different patterns and marks we could make with the sticks!

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