PS (17)

w/c 1st July 2024
This Week at Flax Bourton


This week in Flax Bourton, we had fun getting stuck into washing the toy babies! They were covered in mud - we each took it in turns to use a cloth and wipe it over the doll's face, body and hands. Some us were able to name ethe body parts we were washing! We scrubbed till they were all clean and dry, then dressed them.

In the construction area some us having been spending time building tower with the foam bricks- with some help from the adults. In this area we have some new traffic cones which we have been enjoying, exploring stacking them together or placing them in a line along the floor. The adults have been encouraging us to count from 1 to 5 whilst playing!

Outdoor on the roof top garden some us have been practicing our walking and balancing skills on the hexagon shapes, with help from the adults holding our hands and guiding us around!

To finish the week we been spending time digging in the mud, looking for the insects buried! We used our hands and spades to dig around till we discovered where they were - saying words like "yay” and "mud “!

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This week, we have had lots of activities about buses! When the children arrived at
nursery on Monday, there was a massive cardboard box outside! We got paintbrushes
and red paint out to create a bus. We spoke to the children about creating a bus, like
the one in our core book for this term, 'The Naughty Bus!' We supported the children to
cover the cardboard boxes in red paint, going up and down with the paint brushes.
Eventually, the bus was covered in red paint. We left it to dry. The next day, the bus
was ready! The children spent lots of time going in and out the bus. They peeked
through the window, went through the door and sang the wheels on the bus. We also
had a bus stop for the children to wait their turn when the bus was full.

We also went on a real bus to the library in Nailsea! The children enjoyed sitting on
the bus looking out the windows at what they could see. One of the children
described the bus as 'loud and bumpy'! The children giggled lots on the journey there
and back. At the library, the children explored the hundreds of books, looking at them
themselves and listening to the adults read the stories they have chosen.

The children engaged in an activity about tea! They explored the different types of
tea. We had berries, peppermint and English breakfast tea! They squished the tea
bags, exploring how they felt between their fingers. They smelt the different tea bags,
some smelt very sweet! The children were offered to taste the tea. They loved tasting
the tea and one child said the berry one was 'squash'! Holli opened a teabag for us to
look at. The children looked at all the tiny tea leafs that make our water turn colour.
The children saw the different colours the different types of tea made in the cups.

We also had a playdough activity to explore this week. We had playdough with
spaghetti stuck in it. We explained to the children that we were going to try and
thread the cheerios onto the spaghetti. We demonstrated to the children what to do.
Lots of the children were able to pick up a cheerio and thread it themselves! Some
children needed support by us holding the bottom on the spaghetti, to make it
steadier. A few children threaded to the top of the spaghetti! The children did this lots
of times, taking the cheerios off to start the cheerio tower again.

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This week in Pre-School has been amazing! There's been so many different activities
to explore. Outside in the garden we have been running around in the rain and
sunshine, playing in the mud kitchen and on the balance bikes of course! We have
also been practicing our tennis skills.

The decking has been popular this week especially with our new chalk board! We
have been mark making with the chalk and sat in the sunshine drawing on paper as
well. On the decking we have been building masterpiece with the big blocks, playing
with the wind chimes and listening to the different sounds they make and seeing what
happens if you put droplets of colour onto cotton pads!

Inside we have been building even bigger projects! Some units that we have ordered
for the Pre-School room arrived so a few of our friends decided to help set it up! Due
to lots of packaging, there's been plenty of cardboard for us all to decorate. More
mark making was made at the art table this week when we traced around cd's using
paint and been painting glass jars.

The woodwork station is back!! We have been making some wonderful designs that
the children want to take home to decorate their rooms with. The cabin has been
open this week too! We have been playing with the giant dinosaurs, reading stories,
playing with teddies and drawing lots of pictures. This week has been ever so busy
but such a fun one. Well done Pre-School and we'll see you next week!

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