KG (6)

w/c 22nd July 2024
This Week at Flax Bourton


This week in Nursery we started by exploring some sticking with feather and paper plates! It was very sticky - some feathers got stuck to our hands! We made someĀ  beautiful and creative pictures to send home.

Outside on the roof top garden we explored the mud tray! We got stuck in digging with the forks and spades, some us used our hands to squeeze the mud. With some encouragement, some of us
stepped into the tray to feel the mud
between our toes! We stepped back out as at first, not sure about the new textures, but we soon took the plunge to have another go.

To keep cool on the roof top garden, we spent time splashing in the water with the pipettes! The adults first demonstrated how to suck up the water by squeezing the top, then letting it go so the water comes out. We gave it a go ourselves and soon got the idea what we needed to do!

To finish the week some of took a trip to the big garden to run around and spent time digging in the mud kitchen! Again we used our hands to feel and squeeze it, and the adults helped us dig out lots mud to place into the saucepans so we could mix. We were able to communicate and ask for more "and pleases".

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This week in Kindergarten, lots of the children have taken an interest in colourĀ  matching. We have had lots of activities involving colour matching, following the children's interest. In the courtyard, we had pom poms and pots. The children picked up the pom poms using their fine motor skills to use tweezers. The children then put the pom poms into the correct coloured bowl! Later in the week, we did this again on the decking but using lots of different objects as well as pom poms!

We also participated in an activity to put the correct coloured tail on the bunny. The children really enjoyed this activity and it was played lots of times throughout the week. With support, the children were able to correctly match the colours, supporting their learning of colours!

We also enjoyed lots of painting activities. One of the children's favourites was pebble painting! Lots of children chose to engage in this activity, using plenty of different colours! Some children chose to paint their pebble with multiple colours whereas other children picked their favourite colour to use. We all created some wonderful pebbles!

The children have spent lots of time outside in the nicer weather. In the courtyard we had a tuff tray that looked like the sea! The children explored the different animals in the water. Their was an island in the middle of the sea! The children found seashells hidden on the island and also some treasure.

In the big garden, the children explored the tyres and tubes. They used their team working skills to roll these around the garden and helped each other pick them up when they fell down. The children also rolled these to and from each other, giving them a big push!

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This week has been super exciting! Inside we have been making play dough and making different shapes with it. The woodwork station has been another favourite this week. So many different designs
made with so many different patterns!

More building work was done in the this week by the children. They had made a big giant tower and a dinosaur house! We have new sofas in the book corner so everyone has been super cozy!

On the decking we have been decorating boxes and making them our cars and trucks. Learning all about funnels and how they work, then of course putting it to the test!

We have been ever so musical this week and we made our very
own drum kits which was a blast! To top off the week out in the garden full of sunshine we have explored the loose parts making lots of different places and objects. And finally, the balance bikes! Well done Pre-School for a lovely week.

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