This week in Flax Bourton the sun has been shining and some of us took a trip to the local park! We looked around at all the different things in our environment - we could see birds flying, leaves in the trees and some dogs walking in the distance! In the park we went on the swings and with helped had a go on the slide. Back at Red Bus we have been going out into the big gardens everyday to run around too.
In the art room we have been exploring mixing different coloured paints together in the tuff tray! After being shown how to hold and squeeze the different coloured bottle paint we went on to independently have a go ourselves. Once paint was in the tray we used a brush to mix it all up. The adults asked us what colours we could see? We were able to recognise and say "blue" and "green".
We have been sitting down as a group and listen to our new Core Book for the term which is 'Dear Zoo'. As Jenny read we took it in turns to open each flap to reveal and different animal. Jenny pulled out different animal puppets and danced them around which we thought was great fun!
To finish the week we did some fruit painting! We dipped apples and pears into the paint to make a beautiful pictures to go up on the wall in the dining room.
This week in Kindergarten we have explored lots of different sensory mark making activities! We used paint brushes, our fingers, lolly sticks and chalk to make different marks lines and patterns. On the easel we used the paint brushes to mix some of our favourite colours and create some lovely images we could then look through the easel to see what we had created from both sides.
The gloop was on the decking and it had gone hard so we had to use the lolly sticks to scrape at it to make marks. We then explored how to change the consistency of it by adding some warm water, we again used the sticks to mix the water and gloop together. This changed the gloop from being a hard texture to a runny texture!
This week in Pre-School has been amazing! We have enjoyed playing in the sandpit where we have been digging giant holes and building giant houses. The water tray has been popular and we have had bubbles, fish and even rubber ducks to catch in it. Inside we have all enjoyed putting puzzles together, building many buildings and chilling out in our lovely cozy corner with numerous stories. Play dough has been a favourite this week, and we all worked together to make it!
Outside in the garden the balance bikes were a favourite, along with the obstacle courses. Many dens, houses and castles were made this week in the lovely sunshine from our loose parts area. We have been bug hunting this week too, and we even saw a giant bumble bee! To top the week off we had a lovely session of yoga.
Well done Pre- School for a wonderful sunny week, have a lovely weekend!