PS Water 1

w/c 30th September 2024
This Week at Flax Bourton


This week in Flax Bourton has been filled with exciting mini-beasts! On the rooftop garden we discovered spiders and a daddy long-legs - the adults reminded us about using our gentle hands, and we were quite happy to sit and watch them move around from a distance! In the bottom garden we discovered there are lots of ladybirds, and again we used our very gentle hands to look at them close up.

We've also really enjoyed the musical instruments this month! We explored all the different ways we can make noises - from shaking the tambourines to tapping on the xylophones! We experimented with louder and quieter noises, and faster and slower rhythms!

  • B Bug 1
  • B Bug 2
  • B Music 1
  • B Music 2
  • B Music 3
  • B Music 4


This week in Kindergarten we have been exploring our new wooden castle! It has inspired so much imaginative play - the small world people travelled around the rooms, the small horses clip-clopped around the outside, and we even had some cars drive up and over the top - wow! We did a great job of sharing this new resource with our peers. 

In the art studio we explored a spaghetti painting tray! We picked up our 'paintbrush' - a bunch of dry pasta tied together. We dipped it into paint and explored spreading it all over the paper, leaving los of interesting marks!

We also explored an Autumn themed tuff tray on the decking. We discovered teabags, ripping them open and exploring them with our senses - they smelled like strawberries! We then emptied them into the water, sharing the spoons and kettle to make delicious 'strawberry tea' - yum! 

  • KG Castle 1
  • KG Castle 2
  • KG Lotion 1
  • KG Lotoin 2
  • KG Lotoin 3
  • KG Spag 1
  • KG Spag 2


This week in Pre-School we have been exploring colour! We were enouraged to mix different colours of paint together, to see what would happen. We discovered that mixing certain colours - like blue and yellow - would make a brand new colour, like green! We then created some lovely paintings with our new colours! 

Outside we explored a sensory water tray, filled with conkers, toy dinosaurs, and pots. Some of us took a real interest in the dinosaurs, and we spent time discussing what type of dino they are, what they might have eaten and where they could live! Some of us looked at the conkers more closely, learning that they appear in Autumn and fall from a tree called a Horse Chestnut! 

  • PS Mix 1
  • PS Mix 2
  • PS Mix 3
  • PS Water 1
  • PS Water 2
  • PS Water 3 CROP